: +91 9289045200 | : geethamedicalcenter@yahoo.com
Complete Primary Health Care and Total Management of illness, injuries, infection, genetic defects, malignancies and other types of organic diseases and dysfunction in patients from Infants through adolescence. Detection, Management and Treatment of common diseases and diseases caused by commonsymptoms in patients from infants and Children from birth till 21 years of age. Preventive maintenance of child’s health through regular check-ups and Vaccination/ immunization against all childhood diseases. Treatment of Asthma, Chicken Pox, Cold Sores and Pink Eye. Advice on Breast Feeding & Toilet Training, Bedwetting, Height & Weight pattern. Prevention, detection and management of behavioural and developmental problems inchildren from birth through adolescence. Kids are not just little adults. Treating diseases or disorders in children needs unique approaches and challenges. This could be effectively handled by a physician specially trained to treat the paediatric population. Paediatricians possess the skills of all other specialists working together and provide for the total physical, emotional and social well-being of a child.